Is university life going to be great?


Living a life of a high school student in this current pandemic is very unfortunate. I can't see my friends in person, learning can be very hard, H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K literally stands for Half Of My Energy Wasted On Random Knowledge. In the senior years of high school, I am really looking forward to finding a good university. I was once considering applying for a university in the United States, but I don't have the money to study there because it's kinda pricey. Even if that I could get a scholarship, but the price is still over my budget. So since I am short on time, I decided to apply to a university in China. Thank goodness that if I get an IELTS or TOEFL certificate, it could really help me to get a scholarship, aside from taking the HSK 5 test. Learning Chinese can be very tough for me because I don't have the basis.

Here comes the point that I am going to say. Technically, we know the basics of English. What I think that doesn't make sense is that when people mainly my friends, "gabisa bahasa Inggris" I'm not talking about the meme, but they literally said that. I was like "Bull Sh*t" hahaha. It is harder for me to learn Chinese without even recognizing the language :'). Even if you don't recognize English, try to get to know about English at first. Because wherever you probably go, English would come in handy. In my case, I still wanted to learn more about English. Because maybe in the future, I could be becoming a translator. I always wanted to be a translator. Polishing my English at WSE and polishing my Chinese skills at the country, that would be splendid! It had been a journey but, the covid-19? centers are closed but yet things are getting missed. Yet this is why I made this blog.


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