Getting the real deal


Whether you guys are taking a look at some English courses here in Indonesia, that there is a label that there are natives there. From my experience, there is some English course that they really have natives in them, but their main goal is not to train their customers, but to introduce themselves to how natives speak and they do not teach. Before I joined WSE I do have the same mindset that the natives are just a marketing object to attract customers. But WSE claimed that I am wrong.

Just at registering at WSE, my mentor told me that "All of us here are English experts who have an English literature degree." after she told me that, what's in my mind that this is promising. The next day I had my first class, and I was thought by a native. My expectation is that, oh it's just a random person So, what he can do? And what he is doing at first it was pretty mind-blowing, because what he thought is not the same as I have learned at school. A few weeks forward, I've joined an offline social club with the other members and it is about vocabulary. My expectation of learning vocab is to learn basic boring stuff, but the trainer gave us more hard vocabulary that is pretty hard to understand. So while we are doing our stuff, I am just curious that I've heard a complicated word and try to guess the trainer on what that means. At that time I asked him "Do you know what floccinaucinihilipilification is?" and he knows and explains it a bit what it is, and I was pretty mind blown, because I ask my English teacher at school, with the same question, and She couldn't even answer it hahaha.

So that is what good about learning with WSE because I mean the locals are amazingly good at speaking in English, mainly their accent. So if you guys wanted to see for your own, or maybe try to think about joining WSE. Click here so you guys will get 50 points for free, or even maybe considering to join to wall street English, you'll be contacted by the staff on how your plan is. 

What are you waiting for, and "Say Yes to WSE".


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