Friendly Environmnet
Hello guys! In this article, I want to talk about how kind and warm the staff at WSE. A few weeks ago, I was supposed to take a video for a school assignment. I was confused. I should interact with some people in the video while I'm live only with my mom.
So I decided to ask for help at WSE. At the first time, I think they'll reject it because it's a private business. Surprisingly, they agree to help me with a school assignment. But there are problems again. I should bring my friends too while my friend was not a member of WSE. I was doubt and think they'll disagree if I invited my friend who is not a member of WSE. Surprisingly (again), they agree to help me.
While did the assignment, the staffs and teachers at WSE were so supportive. They freed us to use the facilities there. They also very cooperative when we need their help. Finally, my assignment can finish well. My friend was also impressed with the kindness of the staff and teachers at WSE.
That is one of my reason why I like studying English at WSE. I feel comfortable with that kind of situation. It makes me braver to study and talk in English because they'll not judge me if I did something wrong.
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